Created by the esteemed Vincent van Gogh in 1882, the artwork titled “Orphan Man Holding Top Hat in his Hand” exemplifies the period’s Realism art movement. Crafted using pencil on paper, this portrait encapsulates the essence of early Van Gogh’s study of human figures in the Hague, Netherlands. Currently housed in the Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo, Netherlands, this piece reflects the artist’s meticulous approach to capturing the somber presence of his subjects.
The artwork depicts an elderly man, positioned with his back partially turned away from the viewer. He is attired in a long, somewhat worn coat, suggesting a state of destitution or humble living conditions. In his right hand, he holds a top hat, an accessory that contrasts with his otherwise modest appearance, hinting at respectability or aspirations unfulfilled. The man’s posture—slightly hunched, with downcast head—implies a sense of resignation or weariness. Van Gogh’s delicate yet deliberate pencil strokes highlight the texture of the clothing and the intricate detailing of the hat, emphasizing the realism characteristic of his early works.