The artwork, titled “Orphan Man, Sitting with a Girl,” was created by Vincent van Gogh in 1882 while he was in The Hague, Netherlands. This genre painting, done in a Realist style, utilizes the mediums of chalk, pencil, and paper. Presently, it remains in a private collection, offering a poignant glimpse into everyday life of that period.
The artwork depicts an elderly man seated, holding hands with a young girl who stands before him. Both figures are rendered with thoughtful attention to the nuances of their attire and expressions, conveying a sense of shared intimacy and quiet contemplation. The man is dressed in a long coat and top hat, suggesting his social status, while the girl is adorned in modest clothing, including a headscarf. The use of chalk and pencil contributes to the textured and lifelike quality of the portrayal, characteristic of van Gogh’s early works in the Realist movement.