The artwork titled “Orphan Man, Standing”, created by Vincent van Gogh in 1882, originates from The Hague, Netherlands. Executed with pencil and ink on paper, it belongs to the Realism art movement and is classified as a sketch and study. This piece is presently housed in the Van Gogh Museum located in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
The artwork presents a solitary man standing in profile view. The subject, depicted with meticulous linear strokes, exudes a sense of solemnity and stillness. His clothing is rendered with careful attention to texture and form, emphasizing the creases and folds in his garments. The deliberate use of hatching and cross-hatching techniques enhances the depth and volume of the figure, while the sparse background ensures the viewer’s focus remains on the man’s contemplative pose. The overall composition reflects van Gogh’s keen observational skills and his ability to capture the human condition with profound simplicity.