The artwork titled “Orphan Man” is a lithograph on paper, created by Vincent van Gogh in 1882 during his time in The Hague, Netherlands. Belonging to the art movement of Realism, this portrait exemplifies van Gogh’s focus on depicting everyday individuals with an honest and unidealized approach.
The artwork presents an elderly man standing upright, dressed in a long, double-breasted overcoat and a cap. His gaze is directed forward, and his facial expression appears solemn and contemplative, reflecting the hardships of life. He holds a walking stick in his right hand, suggesting an element of physical frailty. The intricate details of his attire and the lines on his face are meticulously rendered, emphasizing the artist’s commitment to realism and his empathetic observation of human conditions. The monochromatic palette and the lithographic technique enhance the somber and poignant mood of the portrait.