The artwork, titled “Orphan Man with Cap and Stick,” was created by Vincent van Gogh in 1882 during his time in The Hague, Netherlands. This piece, rendered using charcoal and pencil on paper, belongs to the Realism movement and falls within the genre of portraiture. Currently, it is housed in the Smith College Museum of Art (SCMA) in Northampton, Massachusetts, USA.
The artwork portrays an elderly man, alone and standing, adorned in a plain coat and cap, suggesting a humble and austere existence. The man’s posture, supported by a stick, along with his worn-out clothing, embodies a sense of hardship and resilience. Van Gogh’s choice of using sharp lines and dark shading emphasizes the textures and details of the man’s attire and physical features, adding depth and realism to the portrayal. The somber tones and the simplicity of the medium reflect the stark reality that the man represents, capturing the essence of his solitary struggle and perseverance.