The artwork, named “Orphan Man with Cap and Walking Stick,” is a piece by the renowned artist Vincent van Gogh. Created in 1882 in The Hague, Netherlands, this work is rendered in chalk on paper. It is part of the Realism movement and falls under the genre of sketches and studies. The artwork is currently housed in the Centraal Museum in Utrecht, Netherlands.
The artwork depicts an elderly man, visibly frail and clad in modest attire. He is seen wearing a cap and supporting himself with a walking stick, his body slightly bent forward, emphasizing his age and struggles. The man’s coat appears worn, and his overall appearance evokes a sense of hardship and solitude. The use of chalk on paper creates a somber and delicate representation, characteristic of van Gogh’s early realistic works. The sketch underscores van Gogh’s attention to the human condition and his ability to convey deep empathy through minimalist techniques.