The artwork, titled “Orphan Man with Pickax on his Shoulder,” is a piece created by Vincent van Gogh in 1883, during his time in The Hague, Netherlands. This work, realized with chalk on paper, belongs to the Realism art movement and can be classified within the genre of sketch and study.
In the artwork, one observes a solitary man, depicted in a somber and rugged manner, holding a pickax on his shoulder. The figure stands with a slightly hunched posture and wears simple, practical clothing, indicative of a laborer. The texture and shading, achieved through the use of chalk, convey a sense of weariness and hardship. The stark contrasts and the raw, unembellished representation align with the Realism movement’s focus on depicting the life of the working class with honesty and integrity. The overall composition captures a poignant and moving snapshot of the man’s existence amidst his toilsome reality.