The artwork titled “Orphan Man with Top Hat, Eating from a Plate” is a genre painting created by Vincent van Gogh in 1882 in The Hague, Netherlands. Executed in pencil on paper, this piece is an example of Realism and forms part of the Irving Mitchell Felt Collection in New York City, NY, US.
The artwork depicts a man, likely elderly, dressed in worn and tattered clothing. He wears a tall top hat and a long coat, emphasizing his gaunt and pensive demeanor. The man is seen engaging in the simple act of eating from a plate he holds in his hands, with a spoon raised to his mouth. The illustration captures the stark reality of his life, illustrating a sense of solitude and hardship. The choice of medium, pencil on paper, lends a raw and immediate quality to the artwork, reflecting van Gogh’s dedication to portraying the unembellished truth of the human condition. The meticulous detail in the man’s attire and pose underscores the authenticity and emotional depth characteristic of Realism.