The artwork titled “Osho Catches Fish for his Stepmother” is a woodcut piece by the artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi. Created within the Ukiyo-e art movement, the artwork falls under the genre of genre painting and measures 18.1 x 26.7 cm.
The artwork depicts a man, Osho, kneeling by a body of water, attentively reaching out to catch a fish. His expression shows concentration and dedication, highlighting a narrative scene likely tied to an act of filial piety where Osho is catching fish for his stepmother. The backdrop showcases a rugged, natural landscape, with sharp rocks and contrasting colors that emphasize the sky transitioning from light to dark hues. The clouds above are intricately detailed, and the text at the top presents a descriptive context, enriching the viewer’s understanding of the scene. The overall composition and use of color display the distinctive characteristics of the Ukiyo-e style, emphasizing both the beauty of nature and human emotion.