The artwork, titled “Otsu-e Paintings Coming Alive Triptych,” was created by the artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi around 1847. This woodcut belongs to the ukiyo-e art movement and is a genre painting with dimensions of 25.2 by 36.4 centimeters. It is housed in the Fitzwilliam Museum at the University of Cambridge, UK.
This work of art vividly captures an animated scene where characters from traditional Otsu-e paintings seem to come alive. The triptych reveals a dynamic tableau, showcasing a variety of figures engaged in spirited activities. The central panel features an individual seated amidst scattered papers, seemingly engrossed in the process of creating illustrations, while other characters, including warriors and mythical beings, appear to leap from the pages, each vividly rendered in vibrant hues and intricate patterns typical of ukiyo-e woodcuts. The composition skillfully conveys movement and liveliness, bringing a whimsical and almost surreal energy to the depicted scene.