The artwork titled “Ozon III,” created by the renowned artist Le Corbusier in 1962, is a significant piece within the Cubism art movement. This sculpture embodies the principles of geometric abstraction and fragmented forms characteristic of its artistic era.
The artwork features an assemblage of abstract, geometric shapes constructed in a cohesive yet non-representational manner. The sculpture consists of curved and angular forms, demonstrating a dynamic interplay of solid and void spaces. The primary material appears to be a smooth wood, highlighted by its natural grain and warm hue. Central to the structure is a spherical element with two protruding rectangular shapes creating a juxtaposition of forms. The deliberate alignment and positioning of these elements evoke a sense of balance and harmony within the piece, despite the inherent abstraction. Through this composition, Le Corbusier encapsulates the essence of Cubism by deconstructing and reconstructing visual reality into an innovative three-dimensional form.