“Ozon” is an artwork created by the renowned artist Le Corbusier in 1943. The piece belongs to the genres of cubism and surrealism, and it is classified as a figurative work. The composition of this intricate painting showcases the artist’s exploration of abstract forms and symbolic imagery, characteristic of the cubist and surrealist movements.
The artwork displays a unique and abstract arrangement of shapes and figures, leading to a complex and multilayered composition. Bold lines and vibrant colors dominate the piece, with distinguishable elements that seem to juxtapose the ordinary and the surreal. The central focus features an assemblage of fragmented forms, including a significant yellow figure that appears to be partially concealed by overlapping shapes. The colors used range from deep blues and greens to striking reds and yellows, creating a vivid and dynamic visual impact. The lower portion of the artwork hints at a reclining figure, adding another layer of complexity and intrigue to the overall scene. This elaborate use of form and color showcases Le Corbusier’s mastery in blending cubist elements with surrealist overtones, making “Ozon” a remarkable representation of his artistic vision.