The artwork, titled “Padre Sebastiano,” was created by the artist John Singer Sargent between circa 1904 and circa 1906. Rendered on paper, it is a representation of the Realism art movement. This genre painting measures 56.51 x 71.12 cm.
In the artwork, a contemplative figure, presumably Padre Sebastiano, is depicted seated amidst a rather disheveled interior setting. The priest’s dark attire contrasts with the lighter tones of the surrounding clutter, which includes various garments hanging on the wall, textiles, and other domestic paraphernalia. The use of light and shadow by Sargent effectively captures the mood and character of the scene, emphasizing the intricate details and textures within the confined space. The artwork evokes an intimate atmosphere, delving deep into the everyday life of its subject, aligning with the principles of Realism.