The artwork, titled “Pandora” and created by Alexandre Cabanel in 1873, is an oil painting executed in the Academicism style. Measuring 70.2 by 49.2 centimeters, this mythological painting is housed in the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore, Maryland, United States.
In the artwork, Pandora is depicted as a delicate and serene figure, embodying the essence of classical beauty. The focus is on her upper torso and face, which are rendered with meticulous attention to detail and a soft, harmonious color palette. She holds a small ornate box, symbolizing her well-known mythological association, delicately in her hands. Pandora’s expression is calm yet enigmatic, enhancing the painting’s allure. Her golden hair is adorned with a wreath of leaves, and a rich drapery partially covers her form, adding to the painting’s classical elegance. The use of light and shadow heightens the three-dimensionality of her figure, creating a lifelike presence that is both captivating and contemplative.