The artwork, titled “Panel 21. Modern Industrial Man 1 – The Epic of American Civilization,” was created by José Clemente Orozco between 1932 and 1934. It is part of the art movement known as Muralism and falls within the genres of history painting and symbolic painting. This piece is one panel of the larger series titled “The Epic of American Civilization,” which was completed at Dartmouth College during the years 1932-1934.
The artwork depicts a group of laborers engaged in industrial work, symbolizing the power and struggles of modern industrialization. The figures are rendered in dynamic poses, emphasizing their physical effort and the collective endeavor involved in such labor. The use of strong, angular lines and a restricted color palette underscores the harshness and intensity of the industrial environment. This panel reflects Orozco’s critical view of the impacts of industrialization on society and human labor. The figures’ muscular forms and strained postures convey both the strength and the dehumanizing aspects of the industrial age, encapsulating the complex narrative Orozco sought to present in his monumental series.