“Paris Landscape in Blue,” created by Marc Chagall in 1967, is an oil on canvas artwork portraying the essence of the Naïve Art (Primitivism) movement. With dimensions of 65.4 x 54 cm, this figurative piece is part of a private collection.
The artwork presents a dreamlike depiction of Paris enveloped in rich, vibrant shades of blue. Dominating the scene is the iconic Eiffel Tower, subtly blending with floating figures and an ethereal, almost surreal ambiance. The layering and soft brushstrokes reflect Chagall’s unique ability to merge reality with fantasy. The hazy cityscape in the background and the serene faces in the foreground evoke a sense of poetic tranquility, characteristic of Chagall’s style. The use of blue hues imparts a mystical aura, immersing viewers in a whimsical and introspective interpretation of Paris.