The artwork titled “Patience,” created by the artist Balthus in 1943, belongs to the Expressionism art movement and falls under the genre of genre painting. The painting captures a scene that likely conveys mundane yet emotionally charged moments from everyday life.
In the artwork, a young woman is depicted leaning on an ornately carved wooden table, her posture suggesting a sense of weariness or introspection. She is dressed in a vibrant orange jacket and a green skirt. Her gaze is directed downward, and her body is partially supported by a chair behind her. The table is adorned with various objects, including a candlestick and what appears to be a book or papers, elements that may symbolize contemplation or a passage of time. The background reveals a softly lit interior with vertical lines reminiscent of window blinds or panels, and a heavy curtain draped to the side, adding depth and a somewhat somber mood to the scene. Balthus’s use of light and shadow, combined with the meticulous attention to detail, creates a composition that evokes a quiet, reflective atmosphere, characteristic of Expressionist art.