The artwork titled “Paul Gauguin (Man in a Red Beret)” was created by Vincent van Gogh in 1888. Utilizing oil on canvas as his medium, Van Gogh employed the Cloisonnism technique to craft this portrait. The dimensions of the artwork are 37 by 33 centimeters. This noteworthy piece is currently housed at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
The painting depicts an individual wearing a bold red beret, positioned in profile against a vivid, contrasting background. The subject’s visage is rendered with expressive brushstrokes, imbuing the piece with a sense of texture and depth. The use of saturated colors and defined outlines are characteristic of the Cloisonnism movement, evident in the stark delineation between the figure and the background. The effect is both striking and contemplative, inviting viewers to ponder the inner life of the man in the red beret.