“Peasant Woman and Cows in a Landscape,” created by Paul Gauguin in 1890 in France, is an oil on canvas artwork that exemplifies the Cloisonnism movement, which is a style of post-Impressionist painting with bold and flat forms separated by dark contours. This work is classified as a genre painting, a form of artwork depicting aspects of everyday life.
The artwork features a distinctly styled pastoral scene with bold outlines and flat areas of color that are characteristic of Cloisonnism. A peasant woman stands centrally between two cows, all three figures poised in profile, which suggests a narrative or moment captured in time. The background is composed of an abstracted landscape marked by swaths of vivid color and a dreamlike quality. Gauguin’s technique involves a juxtaposition of complementary colors and a decorative approach to the rural subject matter, creating a harmonious yet stylized composition that captures more than just the visual essence of the scene—it also evokes the artist’s sentiment and interpretation of rural life.