“Peasant Woman, Head” is an artwork created by the renowned artist Vincent van Gogh in 1885, during his time in Nuenen, Netherlands. This piece, executed with chalk and pencil on paper, belongs to the Realism art movement and is classified as a sketch and study. Currently, the artwork resides in a private collection.
In the artwork, van Gogh portrays the somber visage of a peasant woman, capturing the rustic simplicity and gravitas of her appearance with meticulous detail. The use of chalk and pencil allows for delicate shading and precise lines, emphasizing the textures and contours of her face and attire. The woman’s headscarf, accompanied by her downcast eyes and firm expression, alludes to her austere life, faithfully rendered through van Gogh’s observant and empathetic eye. The drawing’s composition focuses primarily on the head and shoulders, reflecting van Gogh’s deep interest in the human condition and his ability to convey profound emotion through minimalistic means.