The artwork, titled “Peasant Woman, Kneeling, Seen from the Back,” was created by Vincent van Gogh in 1885 in Nuenen, Netherlands. This piece, rendered in chalk on paper, is categorized under the art movement Realism and falls within the genre of sketch and study. It is currently housed in the National Gallery in Oslo, Norway.
The artwork depicts a peasant woman in a humble and laborious posture, kneeling forward with her back facing the viewer. The strokes of chalk effectively convey the textures of her clothing and the ground beneath her, while the shades of black and grey create a somber ambiance, emphasizing the strenuous nature of her labor. The simplicity and rawness of the scene evoke a sense of empathy and connection to the daily hardships of rural life during that period. The attention to detail in the folds of the woman’s clothing and the impression of her sturdy footwear add to the lifelike quality of the sketch, showcasing van Gogh’s adeptness in capturing the essence of his subjects with minimalistic yet powerful strokes.