The artwork titled “Peasant Woman Lifting Potatoes,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1885 during his time in Nuenen, Netherlands, is currently housed in the Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo, Netherlands. This piece, crafted in chalk on paper, belongs to the Realism movement and is classified as a sketch and study.
In this evocative artwork, Van Gogh captures the raw essence of rural labor through the depiction of a peasant woman bent over, immersed in the act of lifting potatoes from the earth. The monochromatic use of chalk on paper highlights the stark contrasts and textures of the scene. The woman’s posture, marked by her bent back and focused demeanor, conveys the arduous nature of her work. Surrounding her, the sketch subtly outlines a rural landscape with minimal yet effective detailing, including a windmill in the background which anchors the setting in a pastoral environment. The careful rendering of the scene demonstrates Van Gogh’s meticulous observation and his ability to convey the dignity and hardship inherent in the life of a peasant during that era.