The artwork titled “Peasant Woman, Sitting by the Fire,” was created by Vincent van Gogh in 1885 in Nuenen, Netherlands. This piece, executed in ink on paper, belongs to the Realism movement and is categorized as a sketch and study. The artwork is currently housed in the Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo, Netherlands.
The artwork depicts a peasant woman seated by the fire, sketched in ink with a sense of immediacy and simplicity. The figure of the woman is portrayed with loose, flowing lines that capture the essence of her form and posture. She appears hunched over, likely engaged in a task by the fire, with her focus directed towards the kettle hanging nearby. The background consists of minimal detail, emphasizing the woman’s solitary and somber presence. The overall composition exudes a quiet, contemplative atmosphere, characteristic of Van Gogh’s studies of everyday life and rural subjects.