“Peasant Woman with a Bucket,” created by the renowned artist Vincent van Gogh in 1885, during his time in Nuenen, Netherlands, is a notable example of Realism in art. The artwork, executed in chalk on paper, is categorized as a sketch and study. This particular piece resides in the Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo, Netherlands.
The artwork depicts a solitary peasant woman, captured in a moment of stillness with a bucket in hand. The simplicity of her attire and the utilitarian nature of her activity are conveyed through the artist’s deliberate and unembellished style. The woman’s pose, slightly leaned forward with a bucket held firmly at her side, reflects the everyday labor and toil characteristic of rural life. Van Gogh employs subtle yet effective strokes to delineate the textures of her clothing and the weight of her burdens, encapsulating the essence of realism by focusing on an ordinary subject without romanticism or exaggeration. The monochromatic palette, intrinsic to chalk sketches, further emphasizes the stark and earnest character of the scene.