“Peccatum originis” is an artwork created by Salvador Dali during the years 1964 to 1967. This gouache composition takes part in “The Biblia Sacra” series and is categorized under the genres of religious painting, blending influences from the Expressionism and Symbolism art movements.
The artwork portrays a vivid representation with transformative themes reflective of its title, which translates to “Original Sin” from Latin. Two figures, presumably representing Adam and Eve, flank a central, vertically oriented element that resembles a tree or a snake, which are traditional symbols associated with the Biblical narrative of the fall of man. The figures appear sketched in a delicate and detailed manner, contrasting with the more abstract and fluid background. Dali’s technique and use of gouache imbue the piece with an ethereal quality, with earthy tones dominating the palette, possibly signifying the dust-to-dust concept. The ambiguity of the central form invites interpretation about the mingling of good and evil, temptation, and the duality of human nature inherent in the original sin theme.