“Pelptic Ulcer” is an artwork created by Jean-Michel Basquiat in 1983, using a combination of acrylic, charcoal, crayon, pastel, and pencil. This abstract piece belongs to both the Neo-Expressionism and Street Art movements and measures 57 x 76.5 cm. It is part of “The Daros Suite of Thirty-Two Drawings” and is located in the Daros Collection in Zürich, Switzerland.
The artwork presents a complex, anatomical-themed composition that conveys Basquiat’s characteristic blend of chaotic energy and meticulous detail. The drawing features a variety of anatomical references, including the esophagus, stomach, nervous system, and teeth, depicted in a seemingly erratic yet purposeful manner. Basquiat employs bold lines, fragmented figures, and sporadic bursts of color, primarily in red, black, and white, to highlight specific elements within the piece. The inclusion of medical terminologies and diagrams, juxtaposed with abstract shapes and connections, contributes to the artwork’s dynamic tension and depth, hallmarking Basquiat’s distinctive style and thematic exploration.