The artwork titled “Persimmons” by Lisa Yuskavage, created in 2006, belongs to the Fantasy Art and Kitsch movements and is a figurative genre piece. The artwork depicts an intimate scene characterized by a warm, golden palette. Set against a muted, monochromatic background, it features a blonde woman clad in a pink dress, seated and partially turned away. She appears contemplative, her gaze directed towards a white jug filled with delicate, blooming flowers positioned on a table before her. Strewn around the table are vibrant persimmons, adding to the still life arrangement and enhancing the serene yet slightly surreal ambiance. The use of light and color evokes a sense of calm and introspection, while subtly integrating elements of fantasy and kitsch within the figurative composition.
Persimmons (2006) by Lisa Yuskavage
Artwork Information
Title | Persimmons |
Artist | Lisa Yuskavage |
Date | 2006 |
Art Movement | Fantasy Art,Kitsch |