The artwork titled “Picabia III (Groans),” created by artist Jim Dine in 1971, belongs to the Neo-Dada and Pop Art movements. It is a figurative piece that portrays a complex array of imagery and text elements.
In the artwork, a black background is adorned with various overlapping elements, creating a visually dense and evocative composition. The focal point is a red heart shape in the center, contrasting sharply with the monochrome surrounding elements. Around this heart, different text fragments and sketches are scattered, including phrases like “sore eyes,” “GOLDIE,” “groans,” and other seemingly random words and images. Familiar cartoon-like faces and disembodied hands intertwine with these textual elements, contributing to an overall sense of chaotic layering. The use of mixed media gives the piece an expressive, almost graffiti-like quality that reflects the Neo-Dada and Pop Art influences, merging high art with everyday, recognizable imagery.