“Piglet Goes Shopping,” created by artist Keith Haring in 1989, is an intricate piece of artwork that belongs to the Neo-Expressionism and Pop Art movements. This figurative artwork features a lively interplay of colors and shapes which depict a piglet amidst an abstract pattern setting, suggesting an exuberant theme likely associated with shopping.
In the artwork, Haring employs his signature style of bold lines, vibrant colors, and a dynamic composition. The piglet is central to the piece, filled with a complex maze-like pattern in shades of red, blue, and lighter tones, giving it a playful and lively appearance. Surrounding the piglet are stylized representations of green dollar bills, further accentuating the shopping theme. The background consists of intricate patterns and shapes, typical of Haring’s distinct artistic approach, creating a sense of movement and energy. The combination of imagery and patterns in “Piglet Goes Shopping” highlights Haring’s innovative fusion of Neo-Expressionist intensity and Pop Art’s accessibility.