The artwork titled “PLANETS IN MY HEAD, PHYSICS,” created by Yinka Shonibare in 2010, belongs to the contemporary and postcolonial art movements. It falls under the genre of sculpture, presenting a thought-provoking composition that encapsulates the artist’s signature exploration of cultural identity and scientific inquiry.
The artwork features a life-sized figure of a child, adorned in a vividly patterned, multi-layered dress made from African wax print fabric. The child stands on a rectangular, dark wooden box and holds up a large, antique brass telescope, peering through it as though gazing into the cosmos. The child’s head is represented by a globe, symbolic of the universe and the celestial bodies residing within it. The telescope is mounted on a polished, golden tripod with an elegant, classic design. The sculpture juxtaposes the traditional astronomical instrument with vibrant textiles, merging elements of European and African cultures, and symbolizing the interconnectedness of science, exploration, and cultural identity.