“Planets in My Head (Trumpet Girl),” created by Yinka Shonibare in 2018, is a contemporary sculpture. The artwork features a unique blend of vibrant colors and cultural elements, reflecting Shonibare’s distinctive artistic style.
The sculpture depicts a young girl playing a trumpet. She is dressed in a colorful, eclectic mix of fabrics with traditional, vibrant African prints. Her dress comprises various patterns, including a rich blue print, a mixture of reds, greens, and yellows, and intricate detailing that adds depth and cultural significance to the fabric choice. Instead of a head, the girl has a celestial globe, which metaphorically suggests a universe within her, resonating with the title “Planets in My Head.” The position of the girl, with arms raised to play the trumpet, evokes a sense of motion and musical celebration, creating a dynamic and thought-provoking piece. The sculpture’s realism is accentuated by the detailed representation of clothing and posture, harmonizing with the surreal element of the planetary head.