“Plaster Statuette of a Kneeling Man,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1886 in Paris, France, is an oil painting on cardboard that exemplifies the Post-Impressionism art movement. This still life painting is currently housed in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
The artwork features a plaster statuette of a man in a contemplative kneeling posture. The statuette is rendered with expressive brushstrokes that emphasize its textured surface, creating a sense of depth and form. The figure’s pose, with its head resting on hands, evokes a feeling of introspection. The background is a dark, rich hue, which contrasts sharply with the lighter tones of the statuette, drawing the viewer’s focus to the central figure. Van Gogh’s characteristic bold and dynamic use of color and texture is evident in this piece, reflecting the hallmark qualities of the Post-Impressionist movement.