The artwork titled “Plaster Statuette” was created by Vincent van Gogh in 1886 in Paris, France. This piece is rendered using pencil on paper and belongs to the Post-Impressionism art movement, specifically categorized as a sketch and study. Presently, the artwork is housed in the Van Gogh Museum located in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
The artwork depicts a simple, yet evocative pencil sketch of a statuette. The subject is a human figure, portrayed from the back, resting upon a pedestal or block. The delineation of the figure is minimalistic but skillful, capturing the contours and posture with delicate, yet confident strokes. The statuette’s form is robust, emphasizing the curvature and structure of the body against the softly shaded backdrop. This study demonstrates Van Gogh’s exploration of form and anatomy, offering insight into his artistic process during his Parisian period.