The artwork, titled “Pleiades,” was created by Max Ernst in 1920 in Cologne, Germany. This piece, composed using the collage technique on paper, belongs to the Dada art movement. The dimensions of the artwork are 25 by 18 centimeters, and it falls under the symbolic painting genre. Presently, it is part of a private collection.
The artwork showcases a surreal and symbolic depiction characteristic of the Dada movement. It features a fragmented human figure with a female torso, seemingly integrated into a larger, ambiguous scene that may represent an abstract or cosmic environment. The background is predominantly blue, and the figure appears headless, holding an object above what would have been the head. Other abstract elements and textures are present, contributing to the dream-like and enigmatic quality of the piece. The use of collage adds a textured, layered effect, emphasizing the disjointed and unconventional nature typical of Dadaist works.