“Portrait de Max Jacob,” created by the artist Christopher Wood in 1930, belongs to the Post-Impressionism movement. This portrait genre artwork depicts the figure of Max Jacob, rendered with distinct Post-Impressionist elements characteristic of the early 20th century.
The artwork portrays an elderly man with a bald head, expressive eyes, and a contemplative expression. He is seated against a plain background, emphasizing his figure. The man is adorned in a gray suit, complemented by a patterned scarf draped around his shoulders and a striking red tie. His hands rest on a black hat and a cane, suggesting a sense of poise and dignity. The artist skillfully uses muted colors and brush strokes to convey the texture of the clothing and the depth of the character, while the detailed portrayal of the subject’s face captures a poignant seriousness. The overall composition and color palette reflect the Post-Impressionist style, focusing on the emotional and expressive representation of the subject.