“Portrait of a Boy with Chestnut Hair,” created by Hans Holbein the Younger in 1517, stands as a distinguished artwork from the Northern Renaissance, crafted with tempera on wood. This portrait, depicting a boy with distinctive chestnut hair, is housed in the Kunstmuseum Basel, Basel, Switzerland.
The artwork reveals a young boy captured in profile, his chestnut hair softly framing his pale, youthful face. The boy’s eyes gazing forward suggest a contemplative, tranquil demeanor. He is attired in a yellow garment adorned with red and black lining, which adds a touch of elegance to his portrayal. The background is composed of subtle hues, lending a timeless quality to the piece. The panel is bordered by ornate columns, accentuating the boy’s position within the frame, and the top is adorned with intricate carvings, showcasing Holbein’s detailed craftsmanship.