Portrait of a Lady, also known as Frau Heymann, is believed to have been painted by Gustav Klimt around 1894. The painting measures 60 by 55 centimetres and features a seated woman in profile view with a striking green dress and matching hat. Klimt was renowned for his depictions of the female body, and this painting is no exception.
The style used in Portrait of a Lady is less ornate than other works by Klimt, who had abandoned shiny gilded decorations in favor of a more subdued approach. Although it was not as well-known as his later works, Portrait of Adele Block-Bauer I which sold for US $135 million in 2006, it still captures Klimt’s signature blend of abstraction and realism.
However, despite its significance, Portrait of a Lady has had an interesting history. It was stolen from the same gallery where it will soon be exhibited again nearly 23 years ago. Following its dramatic recovery years later by police authorities in Europe; now that it will finally be back on display for art lovers to admire once more.