The artwork, titled “Portrait of a Little Girl with Her Teddy Bear (Kizette),” was created by the artist Tamara de Lempicka in the year 1922. Executed in the medium of oil, this portrait exemplifies the Post-Impressionism art movement.
In the artwork, a young girl with blonde hair sits closely beside a teddy bear, which she appears to be gently holding with her right hand. She is depicted wearing a dark dress while seated, her legs positioned straight in front, and her feet clad in light-colored socks. The background consists of what seems to be an interior setting, rendered with loose brushstrokes that provide texture and depth. Her solemn expression and the overall composition of the piece convey a sense of intimacy and stillness. Through rich, somber tones and thoughtful detail, Lempicka captures a tender moment between the girl and her cherished toy.