The artwork titled “Portrait of a Man with a Moustache,” created by Gian Lorenzo Bernini around 1630, is a fine example of the Baroque art movement. Executed in chalk and leadpoint, the portrait measures 22.4 x 32.7 cm and exemplifies the genre of portraiture.
In this artwork, a mature man with a distinguished moustache and goatee is depicted, his facial features rendered with subtle shading and delicate lines, characteristic of Bernini’s masterful technique. The subject’s hair flows freely to his shoulders, framing a face that conveys a sense of depth and introspection. With a high-collared garment, the man’s attire suggests a formal setting, accentuating the era’s fashion. Bernini’s precision and attention to detail highlight the individuality and contemplative demeanor of the figure, reflecting the Baroque era’s focus on realism and emotional expression.