The artwork titled “Portrait of a Woman (Madame Tanguy)” was created by Vincent van Gogh around the year 1887 in Paris, France. This oil on canvas painting belongs to the Post-Impressionism and Neo-Impressionism movements and falls under the portrait genre. Currently, the artwork resides in the Kunstmuseum Basel, situated in Basel, Switzerland.
In the artwork, the subject is a woman depicted with a composed expression, rendered with characteristic van Gogh brushwork that employs both intricate detail and expressive, impasto techniques. Her visage is framed in earthy, reddish-brown tones, contrasting effectively with the green hues of her garment. Adding depth to the composition, the dark background features vigorous, textured strokes common to van Gogh’s later works. The woman’s detachment, combined with the vibrant yet somber palette, exemplifies van Gogh’s exploration of human emotion through color and form.