“Portrait of a Young Man” is a Baroque artwork created by Gian Lorenzo Bernini between 1625 and 1630. The portrait, executed in chalk, measures 21.8 by 32 centimeters and belongs to the genre of portraiture.
The artwork showcases a young man rendered with remarkable detail and subtlety, characteristic of Bernini’s skillful handling of chalk. The subject’s face is depicted with a lifelike quality, his gaze steady and direct, suggesting a sense of introspection or contemplation. The artist’s attention to the texture of the hair and the gradation of shadows around the facial features demonstrates a keen observation of light and form. The young man wears a garment with a delicately sketched collar, adding to the sense of realism and depth. Overall, the portrait exemplifies the Baroque movement’s emphasis on realism, emotion, and intricate detailing.