The artwork, titled “Portrait of a Young Man (Self-Portrait)”, was created by the esteemed artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini approximately in the year 1615. Executed in chalk, the piece is an exemplary work within the Baroque art movement. Measuring 16.5 x 23.5 cm, this self-portrait is a notable representation of the young Bernini, illustrating his talents not only as a sculptor and architect but also as a draftsman. This notable work is currently housed in the Museo Horne in Florence, Italy.
The artwork depicts a young man, presenting a keen psychological insight through the artist’s adept use of chalk. The delicate, yet confident strokes capture the texture of the subject’s hair and the subtle play of light and shadow upon his features. The young man’s gaze is direct, which is evocative of a sense of introspection or self-awareness, characteristic of many self-portraits from this period. The piece is a testament to the Baroque era’s emphasis on realism and emotional depth.