The oil on panel portrait titled “Portrait of a Young Venetian Woman” is a remarkable artwork by Albrecht Dürer, dating back to the year 1505. This seminal piece embodies the Northern Renaissance art movement and measures 33 cm in height and 25 cm in width. Currently, the portrait graces the collection of the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria, allowing admirers to behold Dürer’s mastery in the genre of portraiture.
The artwork is an intimate portrayal of a young woman, sharply focused upon her gently lit face which shows a delicate palette of colors. Dürer’s impeccable attention to detail manifests in the rendering of her golden hair, with soft curls tumbling down and framing her visage. Her hair is partly contained by a modest headpiece, signifying her likely status within the society of her time.
The subject’s attire, a striking dress with a lattice pattern across the bodice, contributes to the sense of her standing, complemented by a simple yet elegant necklace of dark beads. The realism achieved in the representation of the fabric and jewels testifies to the artist’s dexterity and the Northern Renaissance’s predilection for intricate detail work.
Her expression is serene, characterized by thoughtful, slightly downcast eyes, which evoke a sentiment of quiet contemplation. There is a palpable sense of personality that Dürer has skillfully captured, offering a glimpse into the character and perhaps the inner life of this young Venetian woman.
The black background provides a stark contrast that further accentuates the subject’s features, ensuring that the observer’s focus remains solely on her. The initials ‘AD’, presumably representing Albrecht Dürer’s signature, are discreetly placed within the composition, bearing witness to the artist’s authorship of this refined and captivating piece.