The “Portrait of a Young Woman” is an artwork created by Albrecht Dürer in 1503. Dürer, an artist from the Northern Renaissance, was known for his detailed and expressive works. This particular portrait falls within the genre of portraiture and reflects the Northern Renaissance art movement’s emphasis on realism and attention to detail. Created in 1503, the piece is currently held in a private collection.
The artwork is a drawing that portrays the head and upper torso of a young woman facing slightly to her left. The portrait is highly detailed, showcasing Dürer’s skill in capturing the delicate features of the young woman’s face. Her eyes gaze directly at the viewer, and she has an unsmiling yet composed expression. Her hair is intricately styled with braids and decorated with a jeweled headband, adding to her aura of refined elegance.
The woman is dressed in attire from the era, with a tightly fitted bodice adorned with ornamental fastenings that trace the outline of her garment. The subtleties of the fabric folds and the soft shading around the neck and chest area are testament to Dürer’s mastery over the medium. Notably, Dürer’s monogram and the year of creation, “1503,” are inscribed at the top right of the drawing, indicating his pride in authorship. The precision in the line work and the overall composition of the portrait are characteristic of the Northern Renaissance’s focus on meticulous craftsmanship and individualism.