The artwork titled “Portrait of El Matador, Felix Asiego,” created by Robert Henri in 1906, is a quintessential example of American Realism, presented as a portrait.
The artwork depicts a full-length portrait of a matador standing against a muted, dark background. The matador, identified as Felix Asiego, is adorned in traditional, ornate bullfighting attire that is richly detailed and colorful. The elaborate costume features a vividly embroidered jacket, fitted trousers, and a broad-brimmed hat. The gold and green hues of the attire sparkle with intricacy and give the matador a dignified yet imposing presence. His posture is composed and confident, his gaze directed towards the viewer, evoking a sense of strength and solemnity. The artist’s brushstrokes and use of color effectively capture the texture and sheen of the fabric, emphasizing the realism that characterizes this art movement.