The artwork titled “Portrait of Eugene Lacheur,” created by Gustave Moreau in 1852, is a graphite drawing on paper that exemplifies the Romanticism art movement. This portrait is housed in the Art Institute of Chicago, located in Chicago, IL, US, and belongs to the genre of portrait art.
The artwork depicts a detailed graphite sketch of a seated young man, Eugene Lacheur. He is portrayed with a composed expression, dressed in mid-19th century attire that includes a jacket, waistcoat, and cravat. His right arm rests on a surface draped with cloth, while his left hand is placed on his thigh, creating a laid-back yet introspective demeanor. The artwork’s background is relatively simple, drawing the viewer’s attention to the detailed rendition of the subject. The delicately shaded tones and the meticulous attention to facial features reflect Moreau’s adept skill and his Romantic sensibilities, emphasizing emotion and individual character in his portrayal.