The artwork, titled “Portrait of Henry VIII, King of England,” was created around 1535 by the esteemed artist Hans Holbein the Younger in Germany. It is an oil painting on panel, categorized under the Northern Renaissance art movement. The dimensions of the artwork are 28 by 20 centimeters, fitting within the genre of portraiture.
The painting depicts Henry VIII, the well-known English monarch, in exquisite detail. His attire is shown with grand opulence, featuring finely detailed embroidery on his clothing and an elaborate chain of jewels draped around his neck. He wears a richly adorned cap, adding to his regal appearance. The background is a deep blue, which contrasts sharply with the detailed rendering of his face and attire. The meticulous craftsmanship of Holbein is evident in the textures and intricate details, signifying not only the subject’s royal status but also highlighting the artist’s skills and the stylistic elements characteristic of the Northern Renaissance period.