“Portrait of himself in bed,” created by Aubrey Beardsley in 1894, is a lithograph that falls within the Art Nouveau, or Modern, art movement. This illustration is part of a private collection. The artwork features a delicate and intricate line work, typical of Beardsley’s style, with ornamental and floral motifs surrounding the figure in bed. The black and white contrast highlights the elaborate decorative elements, with an emphasis on patterns and textures. The scene captures an air of elegance and introspection, characteristic of Beardsley’s unique artistic vision within the Art Nouveau genre.
Portrait of himself in bed (1894) by Aubrey Beardsley
Artwork Information
Title | Portrait of himself in bed |
Artist | Aubrey Beardsley |
Date | 1894 |
Medium | lithography |
Art Movement | Art Nouveau (Modern) |
Current Location | Private Collection |