The artwork, titled “Portrait of Jakob Meyer zum Hasen,” was created by the esteemed artist Hans Holbein the Younger in 1516, during the period of the Northern Renaissance. This sketch and study, measuring 19.3 by 28.1 centimeters, is currently housed at the Kunstmuseum Basel in Basel, Switzerland.
The artwork is a finely detailed and meticulously rendered portrait of Jakob Meyer zum Hasen. Jakob is depicted wearing a hat that casts a shadow over his curly hair, his countenance conveying a sense of determined calmness. The lines and shading in the sketch are executed with precision, highlighting Holbein’s masterful technique and understanding of human anatomy. Despite its simplicity, the drawing captures the subtleties of Meyer’s facial expressions and the texture of his garments. The artwork underscores Holbein’s remarkable skills in creating lifelike representations and his importance in the Northern Renaissance movement.