The “Portrait of Lucas Cranach the Elder” is a work of art created by Albrecht Dürer in 1524. This portrait belongs to the Northern Renaissance movement and is a fine example of portraiture from that era. Currently, the artwork is held at the Musée Bonnat in Bayonne, France. The portrait prominently features Lucas Cranach the Elder, a notable figure from the same period as Dürer.
Examining the portrait, we can see a meticulously detailed rendering of Cranach’s visage. The subject is shown in profile, providing a clear view of the right side of his face. His features are finely drawn, with sharply etched lines that reveal the texture of his skin, the depth of his eye, and the furrows on his brow. Cranach’s hair is depicted with fine, overlapping strokes, showing its waviness and volume. The beard is also intricately detailed, with each curl and wave given attention, suggesting Cranach’s age and wisdom. He wears a garment with a patterned collar that adds to the regality and formality of the portrait. The entire composition is underlined by the confident use of line and shadow, showcasing Dürer’s mastery of the medium and contributing to the overall dignified portrayal of Cranach. The initials “AD” found at the bottom right of the portrait signify the artist’s signature.